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Event Winners

A Word from your Organizer Lori Brizzi

After 5 spectacular days of hosting dancers of all ages from many

countries and from all over the United States, a brief word of thanks.

If you have shown up at any of our venues to support and participate

in the 12th NY Hustle Congress....The Penthouse, The Copa, EPA and

'412', my heart and gratitude goes out to you immensely. So much of EVERYTHING goes into creating and financing such a multi-faceted,

multi-day, multi-generational event such as the NY Hustle Congress. I’ve had an extraordinary staff to help me do it!  I'll get into naming them all very soon in my next post. Once again, thank you all so much!

If you can't get enough, the New Jersey Hustle Congress takes place

January 12 - 15, 2024

Winners of the NYHC Awards:

Jack Moi Inspiration Award:  Davina Askin

NYHC Icon Award:  Louis Orlando & Elizabeth Darchi

Click here to view the competition winners of this event.

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