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Venue: TBA
Jeff Selby - "New Style Hustle"
3pm - 4pm | Open Level
Felipe Beltran - "Flow and Connection”
4pm - 5pm | Advanced Beginner Level
Veronica Castilla - "The REAL Latin Hustle: the difference between Latin & NY Hustle"
5pm - 6pm | Open Level
Venue: Adelante Studios
25 W. 31st St. 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10001
1pm - 2:30pm | Open Level
Julien Cloutier & Taylor Yeung - "Turn It 'Free'"
3pm - 4pm | Open Level
Louis Orlando & Beth Darchi - "Definition in your Hustle"
4pm - 5pm | Intermediate/Advanced Level
The Queen Bee of Hustle - "Key Foundations to Improve Everything"
5pm - 6pm | Open Level
Venue: EPA
320 W. 37th St. 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10018
Gustavo Rueda - "Classic Hustle: Picture Lines and
Power Moves"
12pm - 1pm | Intermediate Level
Tybalt Ulrich - "How to Play with your Hustle"
1pm - 2pm | Open Level
Daniel McGee & Jameson Kilburn - "Hustle Turn Patterns: Unlock the Possibilities"
7pm - 8pm | Intermediate/Advanced Level
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